Today’s Highs & Lows
Currently |
Today’s High |
Today’s Low |
71.4°F |
74.2°F at 12:00 am |
67.4°F at 7:13 am |
81% |
89% at 6:49 am |
79% at 12:00 am |
73.0°F |
76°F at 12:00 am |
72.5°F |
70.9°F |
65°F at 7:13 am |
65.3°F |
67°F at 12:00 am |
64°F at 5:55 am |
29.701" and Rising Slowly |
29.72" at 12:01 am |
29.662" at 6:47 am |
8.0 m.p.h. |
24 m.p.h. at 12:00 am |
318 W/m2 |
318 W/m2 at 9:22 am |
7:08 am CDT |
7:26 pm CDT |
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times. Windy. |
Rainfall Summary
Rate |
Day |
Storm |
Month |
Year |
0"/hour |
0" |
0" |
0.33" |
19.79" |
Today’s Graphs
Today’s graphs are automatically generated every fifteen minutes and display today’s data or the three-day trend.