Weather History

Weather conditions last updated on July 27, 2024, 10:42 am CDT

Monthly Summary
Month High Month Low
Temperature 90.1°F 55.6°F
Humidity 97% 39%
Heat Index 106°F
Wind Chill 52°F
Dew Point 79°F 50°F
Barometer 30.276" 29.741"
Wind Speed 42 m.p.h.
Solar Radiation 1181 W/m2
Monthly Rain Total 3.51"
Yearly Summary
Year High Year Low
Temperature 92.3°F -12°F
Humidity 97% 17%
Heat Index 106°F
Wind Chill -34°F
Dew Point 79°F -16°F
Barometer 30.818" 29.258"
Wind Speed 51 m.p.h.
Solar Radiation 1373 W/m2
Yearly Rain Total 15.24"

History Graphs

Historical graphs are automatically generated every hour and display the previous three and seven days’ data in line chart form.

Three-Day Graphs

Temperature History Barometer History
Dew Point History Solar Radiation History
Wind Direction History Wind Speed History
High Wind Direction History Hign Wind Speed History
Rain History Rain Rate History
Wind Chill History Heat Index History
Humidity History

Seven-Day Graphs

Temperature History Barometer History
Dew Point History Solar Radiation History
Wind Direction History Wind Speed History
High Wind Direction History Hign Wind Speed History
Rain History Rain Rate History
Wind Chill History Heat Index History
Humidity History Air Density History
Heating Degree Days History Cooling Degree Days History