Today's Weather Summary
Weather conditions last updated on , 12:00 am CST
Currently | Today’s High | Today’s Low | |
Temperature | °F | °F at 12:00 am | °F at 12:00 am |
Humidity | % | % at 12:00 am | % at 12:00 am |
Heat Index | °F | °F at 12:00 am | |
THSW Index | °F | ||
Wind Chill | °F | °F at 12:00 am | |
Dew Point | °F | °F at 12:00 am | °F at 12:00 am |
Barometer | " and | " at 12:00 am | " at 12:00 am |
Wind Speed (10-min avg) | m.p.h. | m.p.h. at 12:00 am | |
Solar Radiation | W/m2 | W/m2 at 12:00 am | |
Sunrise | 12:00 am CST | ||
Sunset | 12:00 am CST |
Short-Term Forecast
Rest Of Today
Partly sunny. Near steady temperature near zero. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
Partly cloudy. Lows around 11 below. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Sunny. Highs around 4. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph shifting to the southwest in the afternoon.
Forecast data effective January 13, 2025, 11:29 am
Rate | Day | Storm | Month | Year | |
Rain | "/hour | " | " | " | " |
Today’s Graphs
Today’s graphs are automatically generated every fifteen minutes and display today’s data or the three-day trend.